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Breakthroughs At Money’s Biggest Show

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This is the place to witness CEOs trade opinions with superstars, founders and regulators on the same stage. Regulators like the CFPB, the FCA and the SEC choose our shows to announce new policies and road-test new thinking. Global brands like HSBC choose this stage to share plans that will affect the whole money ecosystem.

So if it’s good enough for these industry-shaping breakthroughs, It makes sense for you to be here too, right?


Welcome to the place where the world’s greatest banks, VCs and regulators come to shift the direction of the industry. How? By connecting, networking and partnering on the Money20/20 show floors.
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Who attends?

The companies and individuals who have a plan and know how to accelerate their goals come to Money20/20. It’s here they’ll meet the people, companies and opportunities they need to make their breakthrough.


With specially curated content for the industry's core cohorts including banks, payments, startups, merchants, VCs and more, you can see why 8,500+ attendees flock to Money20/20 to make their breakthrough.

The Evidence

Testbirds used an exhibition stand to engage with a wide range of Money20/20 attendees and showcase their brand to a targeted audience at scale. Having a prominent base on the show floor meant the Testbirds team were able to host clients and prospective customers, build relationships in person and move deals forward.