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Call For Content

Do You Have What It Takes?

Ready To Take Centre Stage?

Applications are now closed.

You brought the bold ideas, the game-changing insights, and the future-focused thinking. Now, it’s our turn. We’re diving into your submissions to shape an agenda that pushes boundaries and sparks the future of fintech.

Stay tuned for upcoming announcements on the speakers and sessions!

We Are Witnessing A Fundamental Shift In The World Of Money Today

Banks are being driven to compete and innovate in ways they have never had too before and the pressure to show real returns on areas like AI is huge. But the risk of not getting it right is even bigger.

Many of yesterday’s disruptors are now as valuable as century-old institutions, and businesses and consumers are gaining more control and choice over how they use their money and data. We are at the start of an exciting phase of evolution where opportunities are being unlocked through a convergence of technology, services,and partnerships.

With so much to unpack, we are introducing 4 content pillars that will define and shape our event for 2025. Mixing tomorrow’s vision with today’s reality, from best practice to off-the-record learnings, Money20/20 is powered by people and ideas.

Mark Callender, VP Show Content USA & Europe

Check out the pillars

Introducing The 2025 Visionaries

Uncover More

Yoni Assia

Yoni Assia

CEO & Founder


Ali Niknam

Ali Niknam



Making An Application? We've Got You Covered

Planning of applying to our Call For Content? Of course you are! Well the competition is tougher than ever and we know you'll be looking for a way to secure a spot on our legendary stages. We've got just the trick - dive into our Call For Content topics to ensure you're submitting the best application possible.


Zach Anderson Pettet

Zach Anderson Pettet

VP, Fintech Strategy


Ian Horne

Ian Horne

Head of Content


Alma Solera

Alma Solera

Head of Communities


Micky Tesfaye

Micky Tesfaye

Content Lead


Samantha Pidoux

Samantha Pidoux

Communities Project Manager


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