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Startups Hangout

Introducing HedgeFlows

CTO and Co-Founder:Arnar Jonsson

Co-Founder: Neh Thaker

Managing Director: Alex Axentiev

"HedgeFlows is a fintech SaaS start-up that aims to revolutionise the way in which small and medium businesses understand and manage foreign finances. Managing the risks involved in foreign trade; volatile exchange rates, fraud or hidden costs, is hard for any business buying or selling internationally. After 20 years helping the world’s largest banks and corporations reduce the risks and costs of trading in foreign markets, we saw an opportunity to level up the playing field for small companies. SMEs don’t currently have access to the right tools or support to trade internationally in a safe and easy way as big companies do.

We created HedgeFlows to change that. We believe every business deserves a fair chance to trade safely and grow internationally. Our team builds technology to empower any finance team to solve common challenges in foreign trade with ease and confidence. HedgeFlows is the smart toolkit to make finances easy and fair for any business looking to sell or buy overseas. Our easy-to-use platform helps remove the financial risks and complexities of trading in foreign currencies, eliminates manual process and errors and can help improve profitability. Our solutions include: Smart Business Account: A multi-currency account to plan, manage and save on foreign payments and collections. Automation toolkit: Multi-currency toolkit to help small finance teams streamline their currency payments and reconciliations. Financial Planning: A financial analytics add-on to your accounting system to manage foreign cash flows and international costs. HedgeFlows harness data from the most popular accounting systems to sync past, current and upcoming currency cashflows and help finance teams streamline invoicing and payment processes.

Within minutes from creating their HedgeFlows account and integrating it with their system, our users can easily access risk management best practices and expertise previously available only to larger corporations. We automatically identify and quantify their financial risks, provide timely actionable data for financial directors and their teams to make informed decisions."