1 Star Sponsor
The Namirial Group with the companies Bit4id, Evicertia, Namirial, Uanataca and Unimatica is one of the leading providers of trust services. Numerous companies have integrated Namirial's identification and electronic signature solutions into their digital processes. Namirial also supports highly regulated use cases with its qualified electronic signature and seal, timestamp and verifiable delivery services. Companies save paper, postage and time and benefit from streamlined workflows and fewer sources of error.
For identification to provide certificates for qualified electronic signatures, Namirial - together with its partners - offers numerous user-friendly procedures that are specifically approved for this purpose. There is currently a particular demand for self-ident procedures - as an alternative to video-ident and the still little-used electronic identity on the identity card. Find out from the Namirial team at the Money 20/20 which procedures are suitable for your purposes.
Trusted by some of the world's leading financial institutions - e.g. Advanzia, Alpha Bank, Allianz, Bank of Cyprus, BMW Bank, DKB, doValue, ERGO, Eurobank, Finanz Informatik, Fineco, FLOA, Generali, Handelsbanken, La Banque Postale, Mercedes-Benz Bank, NN Group, OTP Bank, Raiffeisen, Santander Bank, Swiss Life, Unicredit and many, many more