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Pavilion Partner


Raisin is the trailblazer in the savings and investment space. Founded in 2012, the fintech company started by opening the $95+ trillion deposits and investments market of the European Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States to consumers. Today, Raisin serves more than 1.5 million customers in these three markets, offering savings products as well as investment and pension products. This makes the Berlin-based fintech one of the leading global savings and investments marketplaces. Savers get a wider choice of attractive products with the ability to move their money freely. In addition, financial service providers get best-in-class marketplace solutions for their customers, and banks get better access to retail funding. Raisin operates its own B2C marketplaces in Europe and the U.S. under Raisin and WeltSparen. In Germany, the company offers ETF-based investment and retirement products, Private Equity and Crypto investments, and savings products. Raisin works with over 400 banks and financial service providers from over 30 countries. Raisin has more than €60 billion AuA and generated over €1.5 billion in interest for its customers worldwide. Raisin is backed by renowned international investors such as b2venture, Macquarie Capital, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Greycroft, Headline, Index Ventures, Latitude Ventures, Orange Ventures, PayPal Ventures, Top Tier Capital Partners, Ribbit Capital, Vitruvian Partners and M&G. The company has offices in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Madrid, Manchester, Munich and New York.

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