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The ultimate guide to convincing your boss

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We don’t need to convince you that Money20/20 Europe is the only fintech event you need. However, we do know that sometimes it’s hard to make a case with your boss. That’s where we come in. We’ve designed the ultimate “convince your boss” starter pack. From questions to show stats, we have all the responses you need to make your pitch.

Brace yourself! These are just some of the arguments you’ll hear against going to Money20/20 Europe.

#1 What Your Boss Will Say: “Are people even going?”

Your pitch: Numbers don’t lie - show them our shows stats (7,500+ attendees from over 2,300+ companies to name but a few)

We bring who really matters in fintech to the show - From industry giants and rising superstars to scrappy startups and disruptive innovators, this is the place when money does business! Check out who’s attended last June.


#2 What Your Boss Will Say: “This is too expensive.”

It goes without saying that your boss will want to know how much a delegate pass will cost your business. Money20/20 is a premium event with a premium price tag.

Your pitch: Focus on ROI, not cost

Your boss is right to think about cost BUT your pitch should focus on the ROI rather than cost. Here are some of our impressive stats on the show.

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Still need to convince your boss?

There’s power in numbers. We offer group discounts too, see how much you can save if you bring your colleagues.

Number of passes Discount per ticket Total saving
5 to 9 €100 €500 - €900
10 to 19 €200 €2,000 - €3,800
20 to 29 €300 €6,000 - €8,700
30+ €400 €12,000+
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#3 What Your Boss Will Say: “What about the content?”

Money20/20 is the place where the industry forward together. Our community has no time for sales pitches or wannabe influencers. Only leaders, pioneers and visionaries deliver content at our show.

Your pitch: Show them who rocks our stages and an agenda like you've never seen before

Take a look at the rock stars who walked our stages in 2022! They are the industry legends and fitnech pioneers who open up fintech's biggest conversations.

While we eagerly wait to see you in June as we bring together the greatest minds of the money ecosystem, discover our 2022 agenda and what conversations and OH WOW moments captured the stages.

#4 What Your Boss Will Say: “The show doesn’t appeal to our demographic, not for us”

It’s a common misconception that Money20/20 Europe only attracts banks. Wrong!

Your pitch: Show our impressive attendee stats

There is no other place in the world that brings the entire Financial Services ecosystem together. Get a breakdown of the type of audience we attract.

#5 What Your Boss Will Say: "What do people say about the show?"

This is where the industry gets business done, and our community couldn’t agree more.

Your pitch: Show them the customer testimonials

Check out what some of the biggest names have to say about Money20/20.

#6 What Your Boss Will Say: “What about safety, is it safe?”

Your boss is right to be concerned about your health and safety and so are we!

Your pitch: Take a look at our COVID-19 Safety Plan

We’ve introduced a range of new safety measures, so when you attend Money20/20 Europe you (and your boss) can have every confidence that we are taking all the responsible precautions to keep you safe.

The bottom line: the rarity and productivity that stems from face-to-face meetings and connections is now more highly-regarded and irreplaceable than ever.

Are you ready for Money20/20 Europe? Sometimes we all need help getting the conversation started. Lucky for you, we’ve already drafted a letter to send to your boss – just fill in the blanks and you’re on your way to Vegas! No need to thank us now, you can tell us in-person, onsite.

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