The A-Z of the Ecosystem
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It’s everyone you want (and need) to meet in one place
Want to know the 'who's who' in fintech? They all come to Money20/20 Europe.
With every corner of the Money ecosystem covered, Money20/20 welcomes home those shaping the future of Fintech.
Check out who's coming in 2025.
Money20/20 gives you the unique opportunity to connect with companies and people that you usually would not see, all in one place.

Ana Botin
Executive Chairman

It’s a pleasure to return to Money20/20 every year and track the growth of our clients alongside meeting those who are redefining this dynamic ecosystem.

Sabry Salman
Global Head of Financial Institutions

We come back every year because we believe that Money20/20 is the mecca for fintech innovators and influencers.

Nadia Ivanova
Chief Marketing Officer